Milk Powder

Milk powder Nonfat Dry Milk Powder
Beginning with farm-fresh Grade A milk, nonfat dry milk powder is pasteurized and spray-dried to create a more soluble product when reconstituted in a cold liquid, while containing the same relative proportions of lactose, milk proteins and milk minerals as found in fresh milk.
Nonfat dry milk powder is available in many different specifications and packaged in 25-kilogram multi-ply lined Kraft paper
bags or bulk food-grade totes.
- Low Heat Nonfat Dry Milk Powder
- Medium Heat Nonfat Dry Milk Powder
- High Heat Nonfat Dry Milk powder
Milk powder Skimmed milk powder
Spray-dried Skim Milk powder originates from fresh, sweet, pasteurized milk that then goes through a fat and water removal process.
Skim Milk powder may have added milk permeate or lactose in order to standardize protein concentration. Skim milk powder is available in many
different specifications and packaged in 25-kilogram multi-ply lined Kraft paper bags or bulk food-grade totes.
- Medium Heat Skim Milk Powder Specification
- Low Heat Skim Milk Powder Specification
- Enhanced Medium Heat Skim Milk Powder Specification

Milk powder Whole Milk Powder
Starting with fresh milk, whole milk is pasteurized, evaporated and spray-dried into a powder containing a minimum 26 percent standard fat level.
Whole Milk Powder has a wide range of uses including recombined milks, confectionary, yogurt, and other dairy product applications.
Whole milk powder is available in many different specifications and packaged in 25-kilogram multi-ply lined Kraft paper bags or
bulk food-grade totes.
- Whole Milk Powder
Milk powder Buttermilk Powder
Obtained by condensing and drying liquid buttermilk derived from the butter churning process, buttermilk powder is the ideal ingredient for
prepared mixes, confectionary and baking applications. Using a unique processing application, the remaining liquid is pasteurized, condensed
and spray dried to become an exceptional quality dry buttermilk powder. Buttermilk powder is packaged in 25-kilogram multi-ply lined Kraft paper
bags or bulk food-grade totes.
- Buttermilk Standard Specification

Milk powder Milk Protein Concentrate
Milk Protein Concentrate
Grade A Milk Protein Concentrate 70% is a spray dried, free flowing milk protein and is an equivalent replacement for conventional nonfat dry milk.
MPC70 is made by processing Grade A skim milk by ultrafiltration, which removes a portion of the lactose. The resulting concentrated milk proteins
are subjected to evaporation and spray drying. This product is OU kosher certified and is manufactured entirely in the USA
Milk Protein Concentrate
For more Information
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